Contribute to citizen science research!

Tuesday, October 19, 2021 2:25 PM | Anonymous member

Hello all! I am a doctoral student at Northeastern University seeking to explore the lived experiences of middle school science teachers who implement citizen science in their classrooms. My goal is to garner insights for classroom teachers, administrators, citizen science developers or organizations, and potential partners, such as colleges or universities seeking a deeper understanding of the citizen science teaching and learning process. Are you willing to help? A $50 Amazon gift card will be provided to selected participants.

Criteria for participation

  1.  Current middle school science teacher in the United States
  2.  Implement citizen science year-round
  3.  Have one year or more of experience implementing citizen science
  4.  Willing to be virtually interviewed for 60-90 minutes
  5.  Willing to participate in a follow-up interview
  6.  Willing to contribute one lesson, blog, photo, or reflection article related to citizen science for the researcher to study

If interested, contact Colleen O’Donnell at or (352) 256-3961.

Founded in 1983, the League of Environmental Educators in Florida is the professional association for individuals and organizations dedicated to the cause of environmental education in Florida. We are the state affiliate for North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE), an organization that brings together those interested in the study and enjoyment of our natural world and one that has promoted excellence in environmental education throughout North America and the world for over four decades.  

The League of Environmental Educators in Florida is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

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